新西兰教育学assignment代写 公私立学校区别

2020-10-21 10:57

私立学校和公立学校在许多方面的不同影响了学校接收的不同类型的学生。这两个部门的学生人数差别很大。私立学校的白人学生比公立学校多。大约43%的美国私立学校的学生进入了几乎全是白人的学校,相比之下,公立学校只有27% (Alexis, 2016)。因为公立学校是免费的,所以它们接收各种不同种族和民族的学生。家长和老师认为,这可以让学生发展对来自不同背景的孩子的观点的理解。公立学校和私立学校之间有许多不同和相似之处。虽然在我的研究中已经概述了公立学校和私立学校之间的一些系统性差异,但在每个部门中还有更多的差异。根据我的论文的研究,私立学校和公立学校有很大的不同。总之,私立学校不是政府资助的,而公立学校是。私立学校的教师工资比公立学校的教师低,但他们更喜欢自己的工作环境。私立学校的班级规模较小,考试较少,而公立学校的班级规模较大,考试较多。私立学校比公立学校有更多的白人学生。在我看来,公立学校和私立学校之间没有对错之分。这一切都取决于你的孩子是什么样的,以及作为父母你希望孩子经历什么。
新西兰教育学assignment代写 公私立学校区别
 Many of the ways that private and public schools differ affect the different kind of students the schools receive. The Student population is widely different in both sectors. Private schools have a higher population of all-white students than public schools. About 43 percent of the nation’s private school students attended virtually all-white schools, compared to 27 percent of public-school students (Alexis, 2016). Since, public schools are free they receive a wide variety of racially and ethnically diverse students. Parents and teachers believe that this allows students to develop an understanding of the perspectives from children of diverse backgrounds.There are many kinds of differences and similarities between public and private schools. While some systematic differences between public and private schools have been outlined in my research, there are many more variations within each sector. Based on the research conducted in my paper Private and Public school are widely different. In summary, Private schools are not governmentally funded while public schools are. Teachers in private schools get paid less than public school teachers, but they tend to like their working conditions more. Private schools provide smaller class sizes and have less testing while public schools have larger class sizes and more testing. Private schools are more likely than public schools to have a wider range of white students. In my opinion, there is no wrong or right answer between public and private schools. It all comes down to the kind of child you have and what you as a parent want that child to experience.
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