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新西兰惠灵顿作业代写 现实世界
2020-07-17 17:26

新西兰惠灵顿作业代写 现实世界
In my real world experiences I must continue to experiment and be acceptant of smaller works in progress while still working the bigger picture. Being patient and more intuitive that not all people withhold the same values and integrity as I have. It would be advantageous to focus further in my areas of error and make more determination to learn from them. By seeking out deeper into the root cause and the overall effectiveness of my planning, execution and communication I will display resilient characteristics of self-confidence and willingness to be more transparent. I also like the idea of adding another step in my leadership process and place more precise measures in place to allocate more specific work to people so that they can see how their efforts contribute significantly to outcomes. I tend to relate that the Authentic Leadership theory is most applicable to the developmental areas within communication, credibility and trust. Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader’s legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation. Authentic leaders are positive people with truthful self-concepts who promote openness. (Wikipedia, 2017). In the area of leadership development communication, credibility and trust it is prevalent as the authentic leader seeks to include others to participate, experiment, make mistakes and learn from them. The authentic leader appreciates the smaller victories and incorporates them into the long term mission. An authentic leader believes in practicing what they preach and inspires those around them to work in partnership and nourishes a culture and climate of faith, trust and acceptance. An authentic leader is confident of their abilities and does not fear to share vulnerabilities. In conclusion the authentic leadership theory and the authentic leader are immensely reliant on modeling by example, with genuine care and concern for their people. Authentic leadership is transparent, withholding high integrity and values towards a unified approach to reach expectations.
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