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惠灵顿Health assignment代写 健康促进
2020-05-19 14:46

惠灵顿Health assignment代写 健康促进
As defined by there are five approaches to health promotion (see appendix D). The poster is at a behaviour change as it is actively promoting mindfulness therapy to reduce stress and encouraging individuals to change their behaviour and promote well-being. Engaging in mindfulness could help to empower and educate individuals in the benefits of the therapy to reduce stress and alleviate the physical and psychological symptoms (Watt, 2012). By utilizing this method, it provides the health professional the opportunity to educate and council the individual to encourage them to take the next step. As mindfulness is an alternative therapy, individuals may not be willing to try it due to fear it may not be useful or not believing an alternative therapy would be beneficial in reducing stress. However, practicing mindfulness is proven to reduce stress and does not have the negative side effects associated with medications (Joint Formulary Committee, 2016). As a group aimed poster, individuals may gain more success from peer encouragement which has been proven to be effective (Sarrami-Foroushani, et al., 2014). This could be valuable in preventing the barrier of individuals struggling to progress from one stage to another without a reversal due to lack of motivation and support . Economic and social circumstances may be a barrier to individuals carrying out new health behaviours, even if they would like to (Norheim & Asada, 2010). Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) discuss the layers of influence on health and it’s ecological and social model (see appendix E). They make a link to the relationship between the individual, disease and environment. This model enables us to have a better understanding of why some people find it easier to maintain their health. The compromise on health comes from the complexity of various barriers as outlined in the model (Dahlgren et al, 1991). By understanding this model it helps to identify what influences health and the barriers to societal and individual health. The mindfulness poster is aimed at all socioeconomic groups and individuals at work. It is essential that this was kept in mind when producing the poster so that it has a wide audience and does not make anyone feel isolated or alienated. The negative determinants of stress to an individual may be lack of appropriate services to signpost for information, lack of support, stigma and lower socioeconomic status with poor working conditions. The mindfulness course would give individuals the opportunity to practice mindfulness at the workplace and maintain new skills in managing their stress levels, which would help to combat some of these barriers. This in theory would reduce risk factors such as negative effects within the family, further mental health issues and loss of pay through sickness as stress would be reduced. Although people may feel apprehensive before taking part in mindfulness, it is hoped that the individual would adapt to feel better able to cope with their stress levels and have a more positive outlook on their well-being.
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