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2017-09-05 16:40

Elliot, Noble, and Kelemen (1999) used an assessment consisting of three components: Harter's What I am Like scale, Heyman's Self-Perception of a Learning Disability (SPLD), and a series of open-ended questions about learning disabilities to determine how children with LD understand their disability and how this understanding is associated with global self-esteem and other self-perceptions. The study consisted of students from both elementary and junior high school. Cosden, Elliot, Noble, and Kelemen (1999) findings revealed that students in the junior high school group had more negative self-perceptions than did students in the elementary group. The largest population of students in each group was informed about their learning problems by school personnel, while other students were informed by their parents. 20% of the junior high students and over one-third of the elementary students reported that no one told them about their disability. A majority of elementary students were not able to explain LD in their own words, while one-third of junior high students were able to define learning disabilities as a specific academic problem. A majority of all students believed they would outgrow their LD; however, one-fourth of the junior high students stated that LD would continue to affect them, but not as severe. The remaining students felt that their learning disability would continue to affect them the same as now or didn't know what would happen in the future. Data from the SPLD scores showed that students who reported being informed about their learning disability from teachers had less positive perceptions of their learning disability than students who were told by their parents. Cosden, Elliot, Noble, and Kelemen's (1999) revealed additional data that some students told by their teachers were able to articulate an accurate verbal description of their LD; while others told by their teachers demonstrated very little understanding. Therefore, Cosden, Elliot, Noble, and Kelemen's (1999) determined that the source of information had a mixed impact on the student's self-understanding. There was some indication that greater knowledge about learning disabilities was associated with lower self-esteem for the children in this study. Now, that we've gained some insight on how self-understanding of one's learning disability affects self-esteem and self-perceptions, let's uncover what research shows about children with LD in regards to academic self-concept and self-esteem.