
2017-06-05 04:29

从经验可以明确的是,并不是所有的学生都达到了形式运算阶段的同时,事实上11年的边界是不明确的,(儿童1997,p.202-203)。在我9年级3班的大多数学生都在发展的形式运算阶段,能够以一个抽象的概念,如力杠杆和力矩和运用他们的知识和理解,得到了方程计算的时刻,强迫自己。一个复杂的操作,要求学生既吸收和容纳(儿童1997,p.192)的新信息,他们的任务处理,发现一些困难,但都能够最终完成。10应用科学类只有一小部分的类的年在他们能够处理抽象信息或者做一个假设。不像年九班必须走过每一个新概念,一步一步(Burton,2001 P241)。当他们接受任务hypothesising为什么发生了什么,例如,哪里从加热碳酸钙来自发光的,他们无法理解,发光的不加热本身有关,但实际上是一个吸热反应。即使一步一步的解释,清楚地表明反应是如何发生的,只有一小部分的类能够吸收和容纳的模式。
From experience it is clear that not all students reach the Formal Operation stage at the same time and in fact the 11 year and up boundary is not as clear cut as that (Child 1997, p.202-203). Within my Year 9 KS3 classes the majority of the students were at the Formal Operation stage of development and were capable of taking an abstract idea, such as levers and moment of a force and applying their knowledge and understanding to derive the equation for calculating the moment of a force themselves. A complex operation that required the students to both assimilate and accommodate (Child 1997, p.192) the new information they were processing, a task which some found difficult, but all were able to eventually complete.With the Year 10 Applied Science class only a small portion of the class were at the point where they could process abstract information or make a hypothesis. Unlike the year nine class they had to be walked through every new concept step by step (Burton, 2001 p241). When they were given the task of hypothesising why something had happened, for example, where did the glowing light from heated calcium carbonate come from, they were unable to comprehend that the glowing was not related to the heating itself, but was actually an endothermic reaction. Even with a step by step explanation and clearly showing how the reaction was occurring, only a small portion of the class were able to assimilate and accommodate the schema.