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2017-06-28 18:05

It has always been identified that the long term use of recreational drugs tends to have long-lasting mental and physical side-effects. Lynskey and Hall (2005) suggested that 'there is a possibility that cannabis use induces an 'a motivational syndrome' or that cannabis use causes cognitive impairment'. They made both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, which revealed the significant associations between cannabis use and range of measures of educational performances including lower grade point average, less satisfaction with school, negative attitudes to school, increased rates of school absenteeism, and poor school performance. John Macleod (2004) meanwhile identified 48 relevant studies and published longitudinal studies reporting the fairly consistent associations between cannabis use and lower educational attainment.In addition to that Duarte, Escario and Molina (2006) examined the relationship which links another recreational drug that is marijuana consumption and school failure among students. They had used the information provided by the Spanish Surveys on Drugs Use in the School Population to verify that 'marijuana consumption is a determinant for school failure among Spanish students'. In New Zealand, meanwhile, a study of 1265 children was made, which showed that cannabis use was dose-dependently related to an increased risk of leaving school without qualifications, failure to enter university and failure to obtain a university degree.Leslie Iversen (2005), however, reported that there is little evidence that long-term cannabis use causes permanent cognitive impairment, nor is there is any clear cause and effect relationship to explain the psychosocial associations. There are some physical health risks but as he mentioned in his study, cannabis could be considered as a relatively safe drug. Furthermore, Lynsky and Hall (2005) noted that even though there is an indication that early cannabis use may significantly increase risk of early school leaving, they still proposed that the link between early cannabis use and educational attainment might arises because of the social context within which cannabis used. According to them(2005), 'early cannabis use appears to be associated with the adoption of an anti-conventional lifestyle characterised by affiliations with delinquents and substance using peers, and the precocious adoption of adult roles including early school leaving, leaving the parental home and early parenthood'.