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澳洲昆士兰作业代写 案例研究
2020-07-05 16:20

澳洲昆士兰作业代写 案例研究
The case study analysed in this report is ‘Outstanding support for disadvantaged learners: Roots and Shoots Limited’. Roots and Shoots has been operating since 1982 and was set up to help disadvantaged young people in South London to prepare for the world of work and they became an independent charity in 1997. Up to 33 learners aged 16-24 who have experienced difficulties in the education system can access the service. They spend 40 weeks in a full-time training programme which helps develop their skills and confidence therefore preparing them for work life. Roots and Shoots offer individualised programmes that enable young people to gain skills, qualifications, self-respect and potentially employment in the future. The provider claimed that they had strong links within the community which ensured potential learners were referred to the provider and provided learners with the possibility of work placement offers During the inspection, inspectors were impressed by how the provider had managed to engage with its hard to reach learners, with 80% of these learners continuing to develop their learning by embarking onto other training programmes or employment which the inspectors claimed was an ‘outstandingly effective provision for those with significant disadvantages in life’ (Ofsted, 2012). The learners in the setting were said to have had negative experiences of education, which could have been due to failure to attend school. Learners could have had personal barriers to learning, such as, poor literacy and/or numeracy skills, learning difficulties, behaviour and/or anger management problems or possibly a history of criminal offending. Some learners had self-referred and others were referred by their school, or through services such as Connexions (Ofsted, 2012). Success at School (2018) advise that having an awareness of barriers to learning could assist teachers and learning providers understand individual needs of the students. By allowing learners with these negative experiences of education into their provision, they could overcome their first initial barrier to learning.
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