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昆士兰作业代写 理论观点
2020-09-04 08:44

昆士兰作业代写 理论观点
From these theoretical views, researchers have applied self efficacy to career and vocational competencies. Researchers such as Taylor and Betz (1983) have applied Bandura’s concepts of self-efficacy to vocational issues among young people. Since, many researchers have used Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE) and the CDMSE Short Form scale as measurement (multiple author citation needed here). A new tool that targets post-secondary preparation among high-school students is the Naviance online platform. This tool allows students to independently access information and materials regarding transition to post-secondary goals, with limited interactions needed between students and guidance counselors. This intervention should result in a significant increase in career decision-making self-efficacy among the students that engage with the Naviance tool .Many graduates are not prepared to make decisions for post-secondary education or careers. This is leading to many college-bound students paying for remedial courses or students that simply do not have skills necessary to begin a career. Past interventions include making a career exploration a school-wide responsibility, not just a duty of guidance counselors. Another approach to solving this educational issue is building a stronger relationship between schools and post-secondary institutions, and providing interventions connected to the areas of self-efficacy (vicarious, persuasion, etc.)The proposed intervention for this correlational study is the Naviance Online platform. This platform provides opportunities to gain impactful experiences and knowledge that are rooted in self-efficacy theory: namely, mastery experiences, vicarious learning, encouragement and persuasion, and mitigation of negative emotional arousal. Therefore, the Naviance platform can be expected to impact the problem of insufficient preparedness of high school graduates. Does the Naviance program impact the preparedness of students with disabilities? A central measure of this impact is the career decision-making self-efficacy of these graduates.
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