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新西兰护理代写 胰腺癌给药系统
2020-05-25 02:21

新西兰护理代写 胰腺癌给药系统
This project aims to design an effective drug delivery system for pancreatic cancer combining multiple strategies. Pancreatic cancer arises because of the genetic and accumulated alternations (1, 2). It is well known that the most common type of genetic mutation abnormality in pancreatic adenocarcinomas is the kras mutation (3). In 70-90% of the cases point mutation occur in k-ras gene, the majority occurring at codon 12 of oncogene (4,5). Therefore, efforts have been made to define the function of Ras in normal and diseased cells and to target ras for cancer therapy.KRAS being a GTPase is activated by GTP and deactivated by GDP. The activated Kras binds and thus activates the RAF family kinases, BRAF, ARAF and RAF1(6). Activated RAFs is responsible for phosphorylating and activating ERK1 and ERK2 kinases. Later ERK phosphorylates nuclear and cytoplasmic transcription factors like ELK1 and c-JUN which leads to cell proliferation. Therefore, the mutation which causes the activation of K-ras leads to uncontrolled cell growth which eventually leads to cancer development and spreading (7). SiRNA will be used as a therapeutic drug to suppress KRAS expression. This siRNA mediated reduction in the expression of mutated KRAS in the pancreatic cells can reduce cell proliferation thus reducing the tumor growth (8, 9). Thus, to make sure that siRNA will preferentially target the cancer tissues rather than the normal tissues, cancer-specific antibody can be used for targeting purpose. One of the trait seen in cancer is that there is an overexpression of certain protein receptors on the cell surface. Pancreatic cancer cells have high expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), which can be used as a drug delivery target against pancreatic cancer cell lines. Hence, the targeting moiety (anti-EGFR antibody) will be attached on the surface of liposomes to target specific cancer cell delivery.
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