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新西兰教育学代写assignment 批判性教育
2020-07-11 18:22

新西兰教育学代写assignment 批判性教育
McLaren (2012) states that critical pedagogy aims to understand the relationship between power and knowledge. It is suggested that education both dominates and liberates individuals. For example, the educational system reproduces social class and capitalism but this can be contested by students. Critical pedagogy seeks the transferring of knowledge from educators to help students understand, recognise and examine the political, social and economic foundations of a capitalist society. Within education, the notion of dominant cultures and groups exercising domination and oppression over subordinate groups is referred to as hegemony. This discourse is prevalent in education as dominant discourses determine the approaches and pedagogy teachers’ use and the values and beliefs that educators convey. McLaren notes that knowledge in education is historically and socially rooted and is interest-bound by dominant groups. Knowledge acquired is structured in particular ways and socially constructed within education. This means that knowledge is ‘the product of agreement or consent’ (p. 6) between individuals. McLaren discusses Habermas’ argument of the different types of knowledge. Firstly, there is the knowledge which can be measured and quantified. Knowledge like this is presented through the taking of examinations and being awarded a grade as a result of that knowledge. Secondly, students will acquire practical knowledge which can shape their everyday lives. This could reference the skills that students learn regarding interpersonal skills. Thirdly, there is emancipatory knowledge. This is the knowledge passed to students to allow them to understand how social relationships are distorted by power and privilege. This provides the foundation for critical pedagogy. McLaren argues that education is not just about indoctrination of knowledge and socialisation but also that it has the power to empower and transform. Therefore, critical pedagogy is a way of understanding, negotiating, and transforming relationships, knowledge and societies structures in order to create a more just, and fairer society.
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