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新西兰assignment代写 公平信用
2020-07-09 23:21

新西兰assignment代写 公平信用
The two primary types of background checks are generally referred to as credit checks and criminal history checks. The term “credit check” is a bit misleading because most credit checks sought by employers involve significantly more information than just someone’s credit history. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which covers the use of credit checks, refers to “consumer reports” that may include information on an individual’s creditworthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. Consumer reports may also contain criminal background checks, showing arrest and conviction records, confinement records, and sex offender lists or registrations, amongst other thingsFirstemployers must obtain a written release from any individual before he or she is subjected to a background check. The release must be its own document, separate from an employment application or other policy or manual, and must contain a clear and conspicuous disclosure to the individual that a consumer report is being requested. When an investigative consumer report is requested, additional procedures are required, including informing the individual that he or she has the right to demand additional information about the nature of the investigation. Second, in engaging a consumer reporting agency to conduct a background check on an individual who has provided consent, employers must certify that the consumer report will be used for employment purposes only; that the information will not be used in violation of federal or state equal employment opportunity laws. Third, once an employer elects not to hire an individual based on information in the report, the employer must, before taking adverse action, provide the individual with a copy of the consumer report and the FTC’s “A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.” The purpose of these disclosures is to give the consumer an opportunity to dispute any inaccurate or incomplete information。
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