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新西兰assignment代写 抑郁症
2020-06-16 01:24

新西兰assignment代写 抑郁症
From my observations Jenny is experiencing depression. Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, decreased energy, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, and poor concentration (WHO 2012)123. Jenny’s explanation fits with this description as her experience of lashing out at her colleagues at work, her tiredness, her inability to concentrate at work and her studies, which then lead to her inconsistency and ultimately the loss of her job.A Major reason for choosing CBT is due to its effectiveness on depression, it has been demonstrated to produce results on par or greater than antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants in ameliorating depression). CBT also allows patients to deal better with future episodes of depression withough external input. As she is also experiencing anxiety, addiction and loss because of the way her thoughts and emotions have reacted. She thinks that having lost her beloved job now means an end to a happy life. She is also scared of making new friends because she believes that it was friends who were responsible for setting her down her current path by introducing her to the club house where she got addicted to visiting, which then lead to her becoming an alcoholic thereby leading to her losing her job and created the present predicament where she now finds herself. As a matter of fact, she really needs to change her negative thoughts and feeling so that she can begin thinking in a direction that will lead to healthier thoughts and behaviour as highlighted by Lynn, this approach is very effective as patients are taught methods for identifying and recording automatic thoughts in their day to day activities and are aided in countering them. As automatic thoughts are gone over, the underlying conventions they represent become clearer and the therapist can then begin to use a variety of techniques to get patients to examine the logic of their assumptions and to replace them with more positive outcomes.
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