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2020-01-12 19:06

Discussion of animal and human relationship in literature, studies the history of marginalising animals within society. In his book Ecocriticism, Greg Garrard analyses the representation of animals from an ethical and moral point of view. He claims, ‘[t]he boundary between human and animal is arbitrary,’[2] which suggests a random or unreasoned divide between humans and animals. His concept of animal rights highlights the division and hierarchy created, where humans place themselves at the top. This is evident in both the ode and biography discussed in this essay, as authors seek to shift the cultural perspective of animals viewed as outsides to humanity. Odes and biographies which focus on animals relate to the theory of ecocriticism as their discussion of the natural environment presents a protest for change in perspective. The significance of a non-human focus is the author’s attempt to change how the ode and biography is read, suggesting that there should not be a set way. In her biography ‘Reflections’, Smuts discusses the world of baboons referring to the animal in a human-like manner. The beginning of the biography presents the perception of two separate worlds when she challenges readers to open their mind to another concept. The particular line, ‘an embodied heart, prepared to encounter directly the embodied heart of another’[3] implies two separate individuals, human and animal. Through the word ‘another’ suggests a separation to wild animals, however Smuts attempts to invite humans to express themselves to the baboon. The verb ‘embodied’ illustrates the author’s challenge to readers to express themselves to another being despite it being a different species. Her claim, ‘I will attempt to close this gap’[4] presents the purpose of the biography suggesting it is not exclusively a description of another subject but rather a movement to bring animals and humans on a similar level. This refers to the change on the biography as a result of animal focus where the author has adapted the traditional idea of insight to human life and instead exploring animal life. The ‘gap’ Smuts refers to is similar to Garrard’s concept of boundary.
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