
2020-01-10 13:08

现金牛指的是市场增长率低、相对市场占有率高的产品。在市场开始成熟和衰退之前,它们通常都是明星。对美体小铺来说,被视为“摇钱树”的范围包括美体黄油和面霜。这些产品以前会被归类为明星,但是随着新产品(素食)的发展,不同的成分和气味,这些主要产品不再有吸引力。由于市场增长率较低,美体小铺需要将重点放在一种策略上,即低拨备以实现利润最大化,这将为机构提供更多资金,用于投资明星或重新定位的问题。狗是低市场增长和低相对市场份额的产品,有时会消耗管理时间和资源。同样可以预见的是,组织可能会出现亏损或利润极低。美体小铺的香水产品将是“狗”系列的一部分,因为它们的产品范围很小,而美体小铺的竞争对手也提供同样的产品,还有许多其他的选择。建议美体小铺要么引进新产品,要么干脆退出。安索夫(1957)提出的产品市场矩阵为考虑战略方向和营销战略之间的关系提供了一个有用的框架(F. Brassington & S. Pettitt)。下图将为美体小铺呈现不同的机会、威胁、资源需求、回报和风险(F. Brassington & S. Pettitt)。因此,这将使他们能够看到潜在的增长战略,然后将其落实到营销战略中。
Cash cow relate to products with low market growth and high relative market share. These are generally previously a star until the market begins to mature and decline. For The Body Shop the range considered as ‘cash cows’ would include their body butters and facial creams. These products previously would have been classed as stars, however with the development of new products (vegan), different ingredients and scents these prime products are no longer attractive. Due to these being low market growth, The Body Shop would need to focus on a strategy which consists on low provision to maximise profits which will give the organisation more funds for investment in stars or repositioning question marks.Dogs are products with low market growth and low relative market share which can sometimes be a drain on management time and resources.  It’s also predictable that organisations are likely to make a loss or very low profit. The Body Shop fragrance products would be part of the ‘dogs’ range seeing as they have a small range and The Body Shop competitors offer the same product with many alternatives. It is suggested that The Body Shop follow the strategy of either bringing in new innovations of the product or simply withdrawing it. The product-market Matrix proposed by Ansoff (1957) provides a useful framework for considering the relationship between strategic direction and marketing strategy (F. Brassington & S. Pettitt). The diagram below will present distinct opportunities, threats, resource requirements, returns and risks (F. Brassington & S. Pettitt) for The Body Shop. This will, therefore, enable to look at potential strategies for growth which can then be implemented into their marketing strategy.