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2020-01-16 18:59

In my perspective, this legislation failed to provide better education especially for low-income and minority students. First of all, the actual transfer rate is much less than the eligible transfer rate. According to the data that collected from 2002 to 2003 over 10 poor districts in America, some of the transfer granted rate are even 10 times than transfer requests rates (Table 1). This comparation proves the ineffectiveness of the transfer school option provided by NCLB legislation. There are several reasons behind this data. Firstly, there is no data that shows a school can approve all the requests that need to transfer. Secondly, parents tend to let the children stay in the neighborhood school than distinct schools (2003). Thirdly, the NCLB transfer failed to provide affordable transfer school fees especially for the low-income family’s students to high academic performance schools. Fourth, there is limited number of schools that students can choose to transfer in urban areas. Lastly, all the policies, requirements and the number of performers are tremendous pressure to the local government both financially and mentally.The second solution that believes can close the achievement gap is dismantling tracking and providing the high-track curriculum to all the students (Kevin, 2005). Tracking curriculum is mixing all the students in classrooms instead of classifying students to various students depend on their grades. This tracking curriculum contains values, beliefs, and techniques that a student need. However, in the past, school and parents tend to believe that the curriculum will only benefit the higher-achiever because they can learn more and effective in the class under high-track curriculum (Harris, 2010). Besides, the way to implement the high-track curriculum is much simpler than low-track curriculum. There are many factors need to consider. Like the suggestions from the teacher, the academic performance, and the potential capacity a student has.