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2017-06-23 23:41

Previous researches related to financial aid highlighted the effect of financial aid on college attendance and college persistence, even though this two likely represent very different sets of decisions for individuals. Researchers always wanted to know whether these grants lead to improvements in students’ college outcomes. A vast majority of research examined the causal effect of need-based grants on college access. For instance, Deming & Dynarski (2009 ) showed that for each additional $1,000 need-based grant eligibility can have a strong and positive effect on students enrollment in college, with the estimated probability of enrollment increasing by between 3 to 4 percentage on average. Several researchers such as Bruce and Carruthers(2011),Dynarksi(2008), Scott-Clayton(2011) examined the long-term effect of merit-based scholarships on whether students earn a degree. Recently, Bettinger, et al. (2012) suggested that helping students to apply for federal aid like the Pell Grant increase college persistence. However, a very little research has examined the effect of need-based grants on whether students persistent, accumulate more college credits, and ultimately complete a degree.The proposed study will investigate the effects of need-based grant eligibility on college attainment. Specifically, we will focus on the impact of eligibility for the need-based Tennessee Student Assistance Award Program (TSAA)on whether students enter, remain enrolled in, and graduate from college. As such, we will contribute to the literature by focusing on the longer-term effects of need-based financial aid. The proposed study will also contributes to the scant literature on the effects of financial aid, particularly need-based aid, on college persistence and degree completion. Additionally, the proposed study will examine the effects of increasing the size other need-based financial aid for example, the Pell Grant on college outcome as well as interaction between need based financial aid and merit based financial aid. A regression -discontinuity design will be used based on the information that determined whether students were eligible for more, or less, need-based grant aid to analyze the causal effect of TSAA eligibility on whether students entered, persisted in, and completed college level degree program.