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2018-12-28 00:44
在艾希曼因其罪行出庭受审的同时,斯坦利·米尔格拉姆(Stanley Milgram, 1963, 1974)正在进行关于服从的研究。在他的研究中,正常和心理稳定的男性作为教师参与了一项错误记忆测试。当另一个人回答错误时,这些人愿意给另一个充当学习者的人施加电脉冲,以增加电平。每个参与者都准备好了提供300伏特的强震。65%的人符合所有实验者的要求,将最高电压的冲击分布在450伏特。因此,米尔格拉姆的结论支持了阿伦特的观点,即普通人可以对有害行为负责,但他的推理也反映了阿伦特的观点。米尔格拉姆解释说,当人们面对权威人士时,他们会把自己的行为责任交给负责人。批评家指出阿伦特和米尔格拉姆的解释仅仅是巧合,但进一步的证据表明并非如此。Blass(2004)指出,Milgram在1963年的研究中没有受到先前理论的任何影响。进一步的支持来自心理学领域的“斯坦福监狱实验”。这个实验是菲利普津巴多在1973年做的。在这项研究中,参与者被随机分配到囚犯或狱警的角色中。目的是监测两周内出现的群体互动。澳洲麦考瑞代写作业:服从的研究
At the same time that Eichmann was appearing in court for his crimes, Stanley Milgram (1963, 1974) was carrying out his studies on obedience. In his study, normal and psychologically stable men participated in a false memory test, as the role of teachers. These men were willing to administer electric jolts of increasing level to another person, who acted as learner, whenever the latter answered incorrectly. Every single participant was ready to deliver powerful tremors of 300 volts. Sixty-five per cent complied with all the experimenter’s requirements, distributing shocks of the highest voltage at 450 volts. Milgram’s conclusion therefore supports Arendt’s argument that ordinary individuals can be responsible for harmful acts, but also, his reasoning reflected hers too. Milgram explained that when people are faced by authoritative individuals, they surrender responsibility for their actions to those in charge. Critics state that the explanations from Arendt and Milgram are merely coincidental but further evidence suggests otherwise. Blass (2004) noted that Milgram worked without any influence from previous theories during his 1963 study.Further support comes from the field of psychology in the form of the ‘Stanford Prison Experiment’. This experiment was conducted by Philip Zimbardo in 1973. In this study, participants were randomly allocated to the role of a prisoner or a prison guard. The aim was to monitor the group interactions which developed over a two weeks period.