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2018-08-06 23:14

Children can experience challenges in attentiveness and being able to manage their impulses. To accommodate a child that is exceptionalities the parents and the teacher need to recognize the gift or the disability that the children has. Talk to the school if you suspect a child is gifted. Request a meeting with special services coordinator. Tell them your concerns. An example is if a parent or teacher is taking care of a child with autism. You need to make sure you maintain your daily routines because routines for this child is very important. Stay in the gifted program if the child was identified as gifted but not doing well in the program. The child should be assessed for learning and attention problems before you make decisions about removing the child from the program. The child's environment can be fixed by the child's sensitivity by making sure to have books, toys, and appropriate music for the child. You can have a mentor for that child to help the child improve or build on their abilities and make a difference in the child's development. Making most of your child's IEP by addressing the child's weakness and to nurture their gifts. To make goals that are long term and short term. Make sure you brainstorm and be persistent. Empower the child by helping the child comprehend what their gifts are and their weaknesses are Let them know that you are there for the child in his struggles in areas. If they are frustrated give them time to figure it out and don't go straight in to help the child. Let them cope with their mixed abilities. Parents that partner with teachers can help that child develop their talents can reach their full potential. Teachers can use charts and pictures in lessons to help in the strengths of the child. Some adaptions can be changes in class work or routines because of the type of disability. Modifications can be done to like the things the child is taught, and the way the child works at school. Accommodations are such as a tape recorder and books on audio. Modifications are changing the curriculum or instruction. When these are made children with disabilities is not expected to master things like others.