MQ麦考瑞assignment 代写:表演圣经经文

2018-05-22 01:51

MQ麦考瑞assignment 代写:表演圣经经文
Once every half term members of a local church perform an 'open book' assembly which involves dressing up and acting out a verse from the bible. The children are actively involved and the school choir, who often sing at various places in the district, sing at the end. The children share a strong sense of community and belonging during these occasions.Each pupil collects 'points' throughout the school week for a variety of personal achievements and efforts. At the end of the week the school has a celebration assembly at which 'points' from each class are picked out to win a prize. During these assemblies', the whole school recognise and celebrate achievements in other areas, such as reading and attendance. A couple of children from each class receive certificates and a choice of prizes. Despite only one child from each class being chosen at the end of the week for a prize, the children are continuously enthusiastic about collecting the 'points'.With no guarantee of a prize the children still behaved in a desired way, which links to the theory of 'shaping behaviour. Skinner (1938) suggested that by shaping behaviour (only reinforcing occasionally) the response will be maintained.