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2017-05-09 01:07

Inclusion in mainstream schools is a great idea as it gives children the chance to see and speak to other children who come from different backgrounds or have different beliefs or who are disabled, it also helps those children to enjoy a 'normal', life without feeling segregated for being different. But are our schools actually doing this, letting those children take part in all activitiesWatching the DVD series 'Get Physical' with Kelly Holmes, (Tessa O'Neil and Chris Lent, Get Physical) it is easy to see a result. (Teachers' TV online) tells the story of Kings Avenue Primary School in Clapham, south London. The school has a diverse intake of pupils with widely differing needs. The school makes provision for its pupils through thoughtful implementation of its inclusion ethos. Amongst the success stories at Kings Avenue is the "Russian Workout" dance class, offered by a Russian dance tutor who trained in classical ballet. The aim of the scheme is so all children are able to take part in sport whatever their condition and it works.Children with disabilities have always had a tough time in education. For 25 years, education policies have strived to remove all barriers of learning faced by children with special needs by including them in mainstream schools. But not everyone is happy with the way the government is trying to achieve it. Teachers fear classroom disruption. Parents of non-disabled children fear an erosion of academic standards. And, at the heart of the debate, stands the right to continue sending the most severely disabled to special schools. For some, this is segregation. For others, it is common sense. Baroness Mary Warnock spoke on The Big Debate on Teacher TV about the subject. "The way we're teaching disabled children, she claims, will leave a disastrous legacy." (Teachers' TV, Chris Lent 2005).