
2017-05-09 01:07

纳入主流学校是一个好主意,因为它让孩子们有机会看到跟别的孩子们来自不同的背景或有不同的信仰或残疾,这也有助于孩子们享受一个“正常”的,没有感觉的分离是不同的生活。但我们的学校真的这样做,让孩子们参加各种activitieswatching DVD系列“体检”Kelly Holmes(Tessa奥尼尔和Chris Lent,让身体)很容易看到结果。(教师在线电视)讲述Clapham国王大道小学的故事,南伦敦。这所学校有不同的学生,有广泛的不同需求。学校通过对学生的包容精神的深思熟虑实施对学生的规定。在国王大道的成功案例是“俄罗斯锻炼”舞蹈课,由俄罗斯舞蹈导师谁在古典芭蕾培训提供。这项计划的目的是让所有的孩子无论身体状况如何,都能参加运动,残疾儿童在教育上一直都很艰难。25年来,教育政策一直致力于消除所有有特殊需要的儿童所面临的学习障碍,包括他们在主流学校。但并不是每个人都对政府试图实现的方式感到满意。教师害怕课堂中断。非残疾儿童家长担心学术标准的侵蚀。在辩论的核心,有权继续把最严重的残疾送到特殊学校。对一些人来说,这就是隔离。对于其他人来说,这是常识。Baroness Mary Warnock在教师电视上就这个问题进行了大辩论。她说,我们教残疾儿童的方式会留下灾难性的后遗症“(老师的电视,克里斯借给了2005)。
 Inclusion in mainstream schools is a great idea as it gives children the chance to see and speak to other children who come from different backgrounds or have different beliefs or who are disabled, it also helps those children to enjoy a 'normal', life without feeling segregated for being different. But are our schools actually doing this, letting those children take part in all activitiesWatching the DVD series 'Get Physical' with Kelly Holmes, (Tessa O'Neil and Chris Lent, Get Physical) it is easy to see a result. (Teachers' TV online) tells the story of Kings Avenue Primary School in Clapham, south London. The school has a diverse intake of pupils with widely differing needs. The school makes provision for its pupils through thoughtful implementation of its inclusion ethos. Amongst the success stories at Kings Avenue is the "Russian Workout" dance class, offered by a Russian dance tutor who trained in classical ballet. The aim of the scheme is so all children are able to take part in sport whatever their condition and it works.Children with disabilities have always had a tough time in education. For 25 years, education policies have strived to remove all barriers of learning faced by children with special needs by including them in mainstream schools. But not everyone is happy with the way the government is trying to achieve it. Teachers fear classroom disruption. Parents of non-disabled children fear an erosion of academic standards. And, at the heart of the debate, stands the right to continue sending the most severely disabled to special schools. For some, this is segregation. For others, it is common sense. Baroness Mary Warnock spoke on The Big Debate on Teacher TV about the subject. "The way we're teaching disabled children, she claims, will leave a disastrous legacy." (Teachers' TV, Chris Lent 2005).