
2017-04-25 00:25

Using physical interventions to restrict people with intellectual disabilities has always been a controversial issue. As already mentioned the definition of physical restraint is any method of actually confining and controlling an individual’s independence of motion, physical activity, or normal access to his or her body. The rationale for using physical restraint for challenging behaviour that is displayed by individuals who have intellectual disability raises many questions about the justification for such practice on ethical, professional and legal grounds. However, it is debated that in some cases when the person with the challenging behaviour has no obvious antecedent behaviour and all other methods to control and manage his/her behaviour have failed, physical restraint may be the last resort and leaves the professional caregivers no alternative but to use physical restraint to either protect themselves, other service users or the individual themselves (Braine, 2005, p178). Therefore, arguably, it is only ethically right to use physical restraint during self-injurious behaviour and when the behaviour poses a serious risk of harm to others and it is debated that non-compliance with any treatment is not a justifiable reason for physical restraint unless the treatment is administered to prevent harm to the individual.