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2017-03-08 10:43

According to classicist theory miscreants who needed punishment should accept that it was designed to prevent a greater evil than it produced and should equate to pleasures derived from the criminal act from which he derived a system of sanctions based on physical, political, moral or religious criteria[31]. However, the decisions in Brown[32] could be interpreted as moralistic paternalism, and construed as inconsistent with the fundamental rights of the European Convention, despite the fact that the Brown decision was upheld by the ECHR in its review in Laskey. This paternalism was also in evidence, during 1997, in the ECHR decision to maintain the prohibition on blasphemy in the case of Wingrove[33], whilst inconsistencies emerged during the ECHR rulings on homosexuality in respect of both Norris v Ireland in 1988[34] and, ten years’ later, in Sutherland v UK
Law and morality, together with law and justice can all be revealed through attention to conceptual structures, with human rights providing that essential ingredient for a democratic system. This reflects a natural result of shared morality without which “rules would lack meaning”[36] , promoting the concept of the “durability of social life inevitably assuming a definite form…”. This complicated relationship between law and morality has been defined as a set of rules and principles thereby enforcing particular types of behaviour.
Controversially, Durkheim believed that a certain amount of crime failed to harm society and was “normal and valuable in a healthy society”[37], with the ideas of right and wrong being reaffirmed through the existence of crime and punishment[38]. This concept promoted Pampel to explain the differences in types of deviance and crime across societies with the suggestion that “the function of crime appears….to create emotional bonds among members of society. It increases solidarity”[39] or, as related by Durkheim “we can thus be certain of finding reflected in law all the essential varieties of social solidarity”.