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2017-01-27 10:35

The major differences in the leadership style of Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel is that the French president may be regarded as active decision maker, who cans took quality decision without wasting anytime. Perhaps this was the reason that he walked out from the G-20 summit as protest against the globalization (Poineer, 2011). He is creative and posses the desired influence and has the desired leadership skills to lead successfully the country. On the other hand, the German Chancellor may be regarded as thinking personality who gauges carefully different alternatives and considering the different alternative course of actions took her decision. This in turn means that she possessed the skills that are needed for effective management, however the leadership skills are somewhat lacking because sound leadership requires quick decision making (Theseus Confrence, 2012).
In most of the cases, all the people living in the country is rarely satisfied from the leadership they have, and the same is the case with Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel. However, judging the leadership and the overall effectiveness of both the leaders one may conclude that Nicholas Sarkozy is considered more effective and strong leader not only in France but around the world. This is clear from different opinion poll that shows that with the passage of time, the popularity of Sarkozy has been increasing. On the other hand, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel is considered lesser effective as her popularity is decreasing with the passage of time not only in France but also around the world. In addition, she took some harsh decision that has decreased her popularity that includes the bailout of EU countries, not extending support to the UN resolution over Libya and the nuclear plants issue.
在大多数情况下,所有居住在该国的人很少满足他们的领导,Nicholas Sarkozy和Angela Merkel也是如此。然而,判断领导人和整体的有效性,双方领导人可能得出结论认为,Nicholas Sarkozy被认为是更有效和强有力的领导者不仅在法国,但在世界各地。这是从不同的民意调查清楚地表明,随着时间的推移,萨科齐的知名度不断增加。另一方面,德国总理,Angela Merkel被认为是不太有效的,因为她的人气随着时间的推移减少,不仅在法国,而且在世界各地。此外,她采取了一些苛刻的决定,降低了她的知名度,包括欧盟国家的援助,不支持联合国决议对利比亚和核电站问题。