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新西兰社会学代写作业 妇女工作
2020-08-14 17:31

新西兰社会学代写作业 妇女工作
Countries such as Myanmar experience an increase of women in sex trade due to the lack of wealth in other occupations presented to them. Women that become sex workers often pursue it due to the hardships presented to them at an early age, and they often continue to do it for their entire lives because of the dangers facing the women if they try to leave. Organizations such as The Global Partnership for Education have voiced the issue of the underfunding in the education sector and the positive implications it can have on the opportunities presented to women which is why they have “designated US $73.7 million to Myanmar within 4.5 years in order to aide the country in their first attempt to improve the quality of education.”This money will be used to help impoverished communities improve schooling. In Myanmar “approximately 23% (2.7 million children) within the ages of 5-16 years old do not attend school.” If Myanmar uses the funds wisely and sets objectives for following years they are likely to see results, and provide the women of Myanmar with more job opportunities and self-fulfillment.There is a documented association between poverty and educational attainment in Latin America. The poor are those with lower levels of education. “In 2014 the International Labour Organization stated there were approximately $12 billion in illegal profits in Latin America.”Latin America experiences high levels of crime and drug trade, along with high levels of out-of-school-children. The Global Partnership for Education has helped countries in Latin America such as Nicaragua they have developed a strategic education plan to: increase the number of males and females in primary education, quality education by improving the student achievement levels to advocate for personal, family and community development, and strengthen national identity for countries. The Global Partnership for Education has clear objectives and have have been making successes through their initiatives. This has proven to “have a positive impact on the illiteracy rate by 5% and the out-of-school children.
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