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2017-07-24 14:12

Due to the change in society, Stenhouse maintains his view on an ever-changing curriculum to suit the needs of all, especially the learners as his approach was centred on and around them. Teachers should take the place of facilitators and guides not as authoritarians and children should constantly be given an opportunity to contribute to classroom discussions and lessons. This will not only enhance the learners understanding and test the level on which your lesson as a teacher is on, but also provide feedback on how enthusiastic learners are about your subject.Paolo Freire believed that curriculums were a political aspect as it had the power to either free or dominate those involved in the outcome. His five aspects of a liberating curriculum were evident in his work: dialogue; praxis; developing consciousness; experience and Christian teaching. The curriculum should add value and the dialogue, which involves respect, shouldn't be that people are working against each other but rather that people are working with each other. Dialogue should enhance the community and build community investment.Praxis, a word used by Freire associated with how the world is changed and shaped, in his view this was not only to advance the knowledge of teachers and learners but to make a difference in the world thus Paolo focused on values and actions. Thirdly Paolo believed in working with those who couldn't stand up for themselves, as a mother would for her baby. He strived for conscientiousness of such power that it would alter reality. He believed in education being lived out by those involved in it which gave rise to new and innovative ideas for educational practise.
- 上一篇:澳洲作业代写:高等教育
- 下一篇:澳洲作业代写:破坏性行为