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惠灵顿作业代写 奥地利教育
2020-11-18 19:25

惠灵顿作业代写 奥地利教育
One Austrian study from the British Journal of Educational Psychology comparing 186 students from 8 classes, 4 on a gifted track and 4 regular, reported a decrease in boredom levels in math over time after entering higher ability classes, supporting the theory that gifted classes provide more appropriate levels of challenge (Preckel et al, 2010). There is significant research showing that gifted students are more likely to drop out (Lajoie et al, 1981; Renzulli & Park, 2002; NELS:88), although there are many other reasons or factors for gifted students to drop out. Two computerized studies using the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) and the Second Follow-up Dropout Questionnaire indicated that (a) many gifted students left school because they were failing school, didn’t like school, had a job, or were pregnant, (b) most parents whose gifted child dropped out of school were not actively involved in their child’s decision, (c) many gifted students who dropped out of school participated less in extracurricular activities, (d) few gifted students who dropped out of school had plans to return to school, (e) gifted students who dropped out of school had higher self-concepts, (f) many gifted students who dropped out of school were from low SES families and racial minority groups, (g) gifted students who dropped out of school had parents with low levels of education, (h) gifted students who dropped out of school had used marijuana more than gifted students who completed school, and (i) dropout behavior for gifted students was significantly related to students’ educational aspirations, pregnancy or child-rearing, gender, father’s highest level of education, and mother’s highest level of education (Renzulli & Park, 2002). Additionally, the heavily cited report, The Silent Epidemic: Perspectives of High School Dropouts, found that nearly 50 percent of 470 dropouts surveyed said they left school because their classes were boring and not relevant to their lives or career aspirations (Bridgeland et al, 2006). While some students drop out because of significant academic challenges, most dropouts are students who could have, and believe they could have, succeeded in school. If Highly Capable education curbs this effect, there might be reason to recommend its continued or furthered implementation. Besides this effect, The Classroom Practices Survey conducted by The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented to determine the extent to which gifted and talented students receive differentiated education in regular classrooms across the United States found that teachers outside ability grouped classrooms “make only minor modifications in the regular curriculum to meet the needs of the gifted students,” (Archambault et al, 1993). This result holds for public school teachers, for private school teachers, and for teachers in schools with high concentrations of ethnic minorities as well as to teachers and classrooms in various regions of the country and in rural, urban, and suburban communities. Teachers who make provisions for the gifted are likely to assign them advanced readings, independent projects, enrichment worksheets, and reports of various kinds. However, these modifications are not used widely. The survey also revealed that the regular classroom services provided to gifted students in schools with formal gifted programs are similar to those provided in schools without formal programs (Archambault et al, 1993). If not placed directly into a gifted program, high ability students are unlikely to receive any kind of differentiated education, suggesting that ability grouping may have net positive results as long as the implementation issues for the lower tracked group are avoided.
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