
2019-12-21 23:34

在英国现代史上规模最大、最重要的一次公民投票中,英国人把票投给了美国。K离开E。这反映了英国人并不热衷于接受移民趋势和人们的多样性(Czinkota, 2016)。根据同一作者的观点,英国退欧带来的不仅是欧盟内部未来冲突的负担。U也是U之间的。削弱他们的关系。随着英国脱欧的发生,英国陷入了政治不确定性和动荡,英国企业的重要性下降,英镑跌至31年来的最低水平。英国《金融时报》(2016)宣称,英国还没有准备好承受英国退欧的后果,因为情况仍然不明朗。然而,鉴于这种不确定性,不仅仅是美国。K的经济,以及国内外的商业都受到了影响(Watts, 2017)。影响是巨大的,因为根据Market Inspector(2017),如果他们离开E,出口将受到影响。如果不就征收关税这一新的贸易协定进行谈判,就可能导致美国丧失贸易保护主义。英国企业在欧洲的竞争力。美国和全球市场。此外,失去进入单一市场的机会和更高的贸易关税将减少美国的外国直接投资流量。由于未来贸易关系的不确定性,这个数字可能不太现实.
Within the scope of the biggest and most important referendum of modern history, British people voted for the U.K to leave the E.U, in an act that reflects that British people are not keen on accepting the migration tendency and people’s diversity (Czinkota, 2016). According to the same author, Brexit carries the burden of a future conflict within not only the E.U but also between the U.S, weakening their relationships. The importance of Britain’s businesses is reduced, while the British pound has reached its lowest level in the last 31 years .As Brexit happened, the country fell into political uncertainty and turbulence. Financial Times (2016) proclaim that Britain is not ready to absorb the consequences of Brexit since the scene is still unclear. In the light of this uncertainty though, not only the U.K’s economy, but also businesses domestically and internationally are affected (Watts, 2017). The impact is great since, in accordance to Market Inspector (2017), exports will be affected if they leave the E.U without negotiating a new trade agreement-imposing tariffs-, resulting in a potential loss of U.K businesses’ competitive power in the E.U and global markets. Furthermore, the loss of access into the Single Market and higher trade tariffs will decrease the FDI flow in the U.K by 22%, a figure which may not be realistic due to the uncertainty of the future trading relations .