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2019-12-11 20:55

The opponents argue that murder is cruel and an unusual punishment that is disproportionate to any crime. Based on Kantian and religious ethical perspectives, there is general conception that no one has the rights to take out the life of another irrespective of the crime. However, a critical analysis reveals that under capital offense, man is man with a universal scope. There are no rights to be violated for the criminals and hence the use of rights approach has no basis. In addition, the use of moral basis for arguing against death penalty could also be depended on fundamental perceptions within the particular society and the distinction between crime and punishment It is therefore imperative that death penalty for murderous is not uncivilized or barbaric as some opponents claim. Some scholars argue that the proper measure of justice is certainty, swiftness and proportionality of the punishment regime. Evidently, death penalty should be .The proponents of death penalty base their perspectives on an array of conflicting arguments. The fundamental basis for the death punishment is to deter crime just like any other criminal punishment. Moreover, based on the retributive justice approaches, the death sentence gives a near proportionate punishment to the perpetrator. Similarly, the proponents use cost implication and social anxiety and fear in the society to argue for executions. However, the critics of the death penalty base their arguments on rights ethics, Kantian moral and ethical principles as well as the cost implications. A critical analysis reveals that the death sentence is an effective punishment that serves intended purposes of deterrence and retribution, It is therefore imperative that governments must streamline legal proceedings for death penalty to increase certainty, swiftness and proportionality of justice.