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2018-12-13 23:47

While I do admit that a lot of great education practices were first developed at Dewey’s laboratory school, I cannot help but notice the fundamental flaws that existed in it. If I was to apply what Dewey showcased in his school to today’s world of education, I think his system would fail. The reason for this is first that Dewey seemed to be looking at education through “rose colored glasses” so to speak. In my opinion, a theory on education should be able to apply to any situation. I think about what Dewey had put together in his school, where the home life was heavily incorporated into the class curriculum. But, what about children that come from broken homes, as we see so often in today’s society? If a child is being abused or suffering under the watch of alcoholic parents, who could care less about their child’s education, how would that fit into Dewey’s system? Dewey’s school would probably work well in a case where a child has very supportive parents that are extremely interested in their child’s education, but how often is that not the case in today’s world? Henry Perkinson, an author and educator at New York University, makes a comment about Dewey’s lab school saying, “Dewey’s educational philosophy depicts a school or school enterprise that never existed and probably never could exist. To carry it out would require superteachers and superstudents” (Perkinson). While I believe Dewey is taking education in the right direction, I think he first needs to find a way to develop a theory on education that can apply to each and every student.