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惠灵顿 assignment 代写:教师的人格力量
2018-07-19 23:51

惠灵顿 assignment 代写:教师的人格力量
When becoming a teacher there are certain personality strengths that are required and comes naturally to some people. Harmony, Consistency, Discipline, Communication and Positivity are my five signature themes. These are just a few strengths that teachers need. A few others are obviously the ability to teach, instruct, organize, make presentations and listen. These five signature themes contribute to my future goals by creating opportunities for me to move forward in life, with a lot of positive options and pathways. Positivity is a great quality for a teacher because teachers, especially elementary teachers, need to praise there students and encourage them to be the best they can be. A positive person always looks for the good in someone or a situation. In a lot of ways, I'm the person who thinks of the glass being half full instead of half empty. This is an excellent trait for a teacher because students need a positive role model in their lives, and not all have the opportunity to have it at home. My family is very close and family oriented, they have all gone through some rough patches and have remained positive throughout everything. I think this plays a major role on me and how I conduct and live my life. My parents are very encouraging with everything and remain positive in almost every situation. I really don't think that being a positive person can have a negative effect on a anyone. Positivity is a good trait to have and it looked up upon, it is a rare trait to have and I know that my friends really appreciate that trait of mine. Positivity is the type of this that rubs off on people and most likely it's there to stay.