
2018-07-17 15:24

当我们想到贫穷以及它如何影响教育机会时,我们往往只想到学生的收入和贫困水平。Hallinan et al.(2010)指出,教育机会的公平性不仅受到种族和学生贫困对学生成绩差距的威胁,也受到学校贫困的威胁。我们还需要把我们的注意力转移到学校的贫困水平上,这样学生们就能充分了解教育机会在学生水平和学校水平上对贫困的影响。Milner(2013)认为学校对学生的成就和他们的教育机会影响甚微。Hallinan et al.(2010)在他们的文章中反对Milner,指出学校的贫困程度会影响学生的成就水平。贫困率较低的学校在教育机会方面的改善要比那些贫困率高的学校更好。Hallinan et al.(2010)的数据进一步证明了这一点:中产阶级学校的六年级学生比贫困高中的六年级学生早20个月。Milner(2013)在他的文章中承认,学校对教育机会的影响很小,在一个高贫困率的学校,资源是有限的,这反过来又会影响学生的教育机会。
When we think of poverty and how it affects educational opportunities we tend to think only of the students income and poverty level. As noted by Hallinan et al., (2010) the fairness of educational opportunity is threatened not only by gaps in student achievement by race and student poverty but, by school poverty as well. We then need to also turn our attention to the poverty level of the schools that the students are attending as well to fully understand how educational opportunities are affected by poverty in general on both the student level as well as the school level. Milner, (2013) argues that schools have very little influence on the achievement of students and their educational opportunities. Whereas Hallinan et al., (2010) argues against Milner in their article by stating that the poverty level of a school can affect the achievement level of the students. Schools that have a low level of poverty show better improvement in educational opportunities than schools that have high poverty levels. The case for this is further strengthened by Hallinan et al., (2010) with the statistics that poor sixth graders in middle class schools were 20 months ahead of poor sixth graders in a high poverty school. Milner, (2013) does admit in his article after arguing that schools have little influence on educational opportunities that resources can be limited in a high poverty schools and this in turn could affect the educational opportunity of the students.