惠灵顿 assignment 代写:经济因素

2018-05-14 23:53

惠灵顿 assignment 代写:经济因素
The economic factors are influenced by political and government policy and it plays a major influence in the government decisions as they provide opportunities and threats. Economic factors and governmental policies are closely related as they influence other environmental factors that affect organizations. For example inflation and international economics will affect the rate of interest charged for the loans, although the rate may be fixed by the central bank. It is the case of bank of England and is also influenced by the state government priorities. According to Thompson(2002),government spending can increase the money supply and make capital markets more buoyant. Economic factors include the economic growth trends of various countries, taxation, unemployment rate, inflation and also the production levels. Most of the multinational companies are not willing to open a branch in Zimbabwe because economic strength of that country is very poor and they are also afraid of the profit that they can make from business from the area of low economic growth.