
2018-03-25 01:07

要想成为一个成功的幼儿专业人士,必须不断提高他们对过去和当前教育理论的认识。通过对不同的理论保持开放的心态,一个成功的教师可以评估每一个旧的理论,并利用它们继续重建她的课程和教育理念。在伟大的男人和女人中,让·皮亚杰、亚伯拉罕·马斯洛、Lev Vygotsky和霍华德·加德纳,我们可以学习和拓展我们的智慧和知识,以及孩子们如何学习他们的方式。今天,我将介绍亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的简介,然后我将描述他的自我实现理论,最后我将把马斯洛的理论应用到我自己的教育哲学中。亚伯拉罕·马斯洛是美国心理学家,人本主义心理学之父。马斯洛是七个孩子中的老大。他在非犹太社区的一个犹太家庭长大。此外,他的童年非常孤独和不快乐。马斯洛被朋友和社区冷落,在图书馆和书中找到了纸牌。他研究了不同的理论,研究了弗洛伊德。他觉得弗洛伊德研究了什么使人生病,他渴望发现是什么导致了积极的心理健康。在他的研究和研究中,马斯洛利用他对健康的渴望,并将其付诸实践。马斯洛研究了一些历史上最伟大的思想和影响,如阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和埃莉诺·罗斯福。由于他的研究和研究,马斯洛创造了人类需求层次。
In order to be a successful early childhood professional, one must continue to increase their knowledge of past and current education theories. By keeping one's mind open to different theories, a successful teacher can assess each old theory and use them to continue to rebuild her curriculum and ideas on education. Among great men and woman like, Jean Piaget, Abraham Maslow, Lev Vygotsky and Howard Gardner, we can learn and broaden our wisdom and knowledge of why and how kids learn the way they do. Today, I will present a brief biography of Abraham Maslow, then I will describe his self-actualization theory, and last I will apply Maslow's theory to my own educational philosophy.Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist, best known as the father of humanistic psychology. Maslow was the eldest of seven children. He was raised in a Jewish family in a non-Jewish community. Moreover, his childhood was extremely isolated and unhappy. Being shunned from friends and the community, Maslow found solitaire in the library and in books. He studied different theories and researched Freud. He felt that Freud had studied what makes one sick, and he longed to discover what resulted in positive mental health. Among his research and studies, Maslow used his desire to study the healthy and put it to practice. Maslow studied some of the greatest minds and influences in history, such as Albert Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt. As a result of his studies and research, Maslow created the hierarchy of human needs.