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惠灵顿 assignment 代写:领导能力和管理能力
2018-03-13 14:27

惠灵顿 assignment 代写:领导能力和管理能力
Most people would agree with the proposition that the school leader must have the leadership and management skills and qualities to lead the staff, parents and the community effectively to put the school vision in practice. It might be argue that if you want to be a leader, you should be respected by your team or staff as a leader. The successful school principal therefore, is one who models for school team the style of behaviour he or she expects of them. Because the head teacher alone cannot achieve success, he or she must be backed up with a supportive team. Teamwork is the key to success. Furthermore, he decides on the creating of a supportive environment for the professional growth of the teachers and administrators. Concerning this point, states that the school principal's role includes combining and arranging the elements of leadership to achieve the highest positive outcomes for students. Besides setting the tone of the whole school by modeling the interpersonal regard what is expected of all, school principal assists classroom teachers to see the relationship between what they are doing and what is planned. For school head, planning, organizing, maintaining, monitoring and evaluating are key factors to reach excellence and success inside school.Leadership plays a significant role in developing educational institutions and society. It has been said by many researchers that leadership gets things changed. This indicates that if there is no leadership in a society or institution, nothing will be properly changed and done on the right ways. Although there are many critical arguments about the relation between leadership and management, there is an increasing need in all educational institutions, particularly in developing societies for leaders and managers, who are able to orgnise, manage and plan for institutions to upgrade their performance to the ranks of those in more developed societies. As it is stated by many researchers educational institutions are in need for an effective leader who inspires workers and sets directions for the school and enables school to cope with change. This part will examine the important role of leadership and management within school success.
- 上一篇:惠灵顿作业代写:致力于明确目标的人
- 下一篇:新西兰惠灵顿论文代写:教育理论的认识