
2017-11-28 11:16

From the personality test, I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. From the test, I am outgoing and assertive. This quality is essential for entrepreneurs. The quality will enable me to deal with other people. The assertiveness is strength with what I would be able to sell the business idea to potential clients. This will enable the business to gain customers and have fast growth. The assertiveness will also help me to negotiate for the business with potential business partners.Problem solving is a key element to entrepreneur success (Rae, 2007). From the HBDI test, it was shown that I have good problem solving capabilities. Online sales and marketing, as an outsourcing business will entail solving other people's problems. The capability will enable me to be able to handle clients' problems with ease.The weaknesses identified from the test include communication challenges and leadership. The assertiveness was identified to impede interpersonal communication by intimidating the other party. On leadership, my leadership quality was identified and self- centred.To overcome the challengers posed by my personality in leadership and communication, I will invest in the area to ensure improvement. Personal reflection will enable me to be sensitive of other people in communication and react appropriately to their personal psychological needs. This will enable me to overcome the intoxicative charisma. On leadership, I would register for leadership course. The course will help me in managing and leading people.