
2018-07-01 01:03

艾尔弗雷德·阿德勒(Alfred Adler)和他的观点——拥抱儿童读物的简洁性——在对激发和促进儿童知识重要性进行了如此冗长的讨论之后。他认识到,在孩子还小的时候就尝试并加速他们的学习,可能会适得其反:“在孩子达到一定的成熟年龄之前,所有精神上难以消化的浆汁都应该被排除在他们的阅读之外。”不合适的文学作品要么被误解,要么扼杀发展中的社会利益。当普罗瑟罗挥舞着旗帜进行解读时,阿德勒强调了这种立场的潜在缺陷:误解导致恐惧或疏远的风险。也许阿德勒强调了一个关于衰老过程的有趣观点。贝蒂·弗里丹(1993年,p. 50和p.74)解释说,社会研究表明,那些表现出最坚韧的坚持自己童年时期的价值观的人,最容易在以后的生活中受到心理不稳定的影响。这与弗洛伊德关于童年重要性的理论有关,以及人们在童年时期迅速发展个性的理论,以及随后在成年期的变化通常都只是表面现象。通过加快这个过程更给儿童日益复杂的文学之前,已达到“特定年龄的成熟”,阿德勒说,孩子可能发展太快之前准备好理解的影响从而使它们在一个脆弱的心理位置在他们成人年。相反,如果弗洛伊德关于儿童发展重要性的理论得到认同,那么在儿童心理成长的关键时刻阻碍他们的知识和理解也是危险的。正如Moebius(1986)所指出的,这本图画书应该被保存为“纯真的最后边界”,因此,不应该被过度的审视所腐蚀。在追求读写能力的过程中,必须强调刺激的重要性。
Even if this technique is not directly mentioned to the child, it is instilling knowledge of rhythm into their subconscious. This could influence a love of music which, according to Dr. Tartchanoff, could be beneficial - depending on the genre. If it developed into a passion for group singing then Blythe certainly notes the increased potential for learning, molding the mind to a relaxed state of peace and readiness. If nothing else, the verse makes the story flow and engages the senses - which child would not enjoy joining in with those imperatives? In the pursuit of sensual stimulation, The Very Hungry Caterpillar can be seen to attack the visual sense and that of touch. The thick pages display the holes through which the caterpillar has eaten. The child can poke fingers through the gap and feel as if the story is unraveling before their eyes. This is a very tame example compared to the modern books which employ sound effects and fluffy bits. Where does it end? Books on which the child can have a nibble? Perhaps the sight of reading itself is being lost in favour of instant gratification as is the nature of our society. One must question if this matters as long as children are being engaged in literature in some way. And whose face did not light up at the sight of a pop-up book? Making learning fun and interactive is no new phenomena and should not necessarily be seen as threatening. Peter Hollindale (1997, p.75) has faith that “children take from a story what they want and need” so perhaps our constant manipulation of sensual stimulation is futile. Some children may simply be predisposed to reading and others not regardless of whether books have pictures. It may simply be a case of nurturing existing talent by tailoring learning to the demands of the individual child.