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2018-07-01 01:03

Even if this technique is not directly mentioned to the child, it is instilling knowledge of rhythm into their subconscious. This could influence a love of music which, according to Dr. Tartchanoff, could be beneficial - depending on the genre. If it developed into a passion for group singing then Blythe certainly notes the increased potential for learning, molding the mind to a relaxed state of peace and readiness. If nothing else, the verse makes the story flow and engages the senses - which child would not enjoy joining in with those imperatives? In the pursuit of sensual stimulation, The Very Hungry Caterpillar can be seen to attack the visual sense and that of touch. The thick pages display the holes through which the caterpillar has eaten. The child can poke fingers through the gap and feel as if the story is unraveling before their eyes. This is a very tame example compared to the modern books which employ sound effects and fluffy bits. Where does it end? Books on which the child can have a nibble? Perhaps the sight of reading itself is being lost in favour of instant gratification as is the nature of our society. One must question if this matters as long as children are being engaged in literature in some way. And whose face did not light up at the sight of a pop-up book? Making learning fun and interactive is no new phenomena and should not necessarily be seen as threatening. Peter Hollindale (1997, p.75) has faith that “children take from a story what they want and need” so perhaps our constant manipulation of sensual stimulation is futile. Some children may simply be predisposed to reading and others not regardless of whether books have pictures. It may simply be a case of nurturing existing talent by tailoring learning to the demands of the individual child.