Science Assignment代写:健康意识

2017-02-20 13:02

今天,人们的健康意识,其中一个原因是印度政府和巴基斯坦政府试图创造人们之间的意识,以减少或戒烟的报纸广告和放映小电影在电影院开始之前的电影。此外,癌症预警也显示在香烟包正面和背面,使人们应避免吸烟。这是由巴基斯坦烟草控制细胞(2014)的支持,它说:“从2010年5月31日开始,在香烟包装上引入了健康警示图案”()。 现在让我们看看人们长寿的影响。人的生活既有优点也有缺点。其中一个优点是,老年人能够看到更多的后代,这是一件好事。第二个好处是,老人可以帮助社会与他们的知识和经验。 人们生活得更久的缺点是许多人喜欢照顾老人。此外,政府可能会提高税收,以支持老人,这将是一个负担的年轻人的肩膀。此外,患上更多疾病的机会在老年时更高,并可能成为禁用。据默里(2013)“有一系列的疾病,不会杀死你,但往往会导致大量的残疾”。此外,他还指出:“残疾疾病包括精神疾病,滥用药物,肌肉骨骼损伤,如背部和颈部疼痛,视力丧失,听力和贫血”。

Science Assignment代写:健康意识

Today people are health conscious, one of the reasons is the governments of both india and Pakistan trying to create awareness amongst people to reduce or quit smoking by advertising in newspapers and showing small films in the cinemas before the start of the movie. Furthermore a cancer warning is also being shown on the cigarette packs front and back so that people should avoid smoking. This is supported by tobacco control cell of Pakistan (2014) which says “Pakistan introduced pictorial health warning on cigarette packs from 31st May 2010”.
Now let us see the effects of people living longer. There are both advantages and disadvantages of people living longer. One of the advantages is that old people will be able to see more generations which is a good thing. The second advantage can be that the old people can help the society with their knowledge and experience.
The disadvantages of people living longer are many like more care has to be taken of the old people. In addition the government might raise the taxes to support the old people which will be a burden on the young people’s shoulder. Furthermore chances of getting more diseases are higher in old age and may become disabling. According to Murray (2013) “there are series of diseases that don’t kill you but very often cause an awful lot of disability”. Furthermore he also states “the disability disease include mental illness, substance abuse, musculoskeletal injuries like back and neck pain, loss of vision, hearing and anaemia”.