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RMIT 代写:合同
2017-03-12 11:44

RMIT 代写:合同
Contracts are something that many people are confronted with every day, whether it be when a newspaper is purchased from a newsagent to commercial contracts dealt with in the course of employment, in fact it has been suggested that the average person comes across some 25000 contracts in their lifetime.[1] With the advent of the Internet, online retailing has become an everyday occurrence. Because of this, it is now important to explore how the law relating to contracts is affected; millions of people all over the world rely on the Internet on a daily basis, purchasing a variety of goods and services; yet the way these transactions are governed is not as clear as it ought to be.
This essay will seek to explore how, and more importantly, when a contract is formed via the Internet. If the law of offer and acceptance does not readily apply to contracts formed over the Internet, this essay shall seek to examine how contracts are formed. As has already been mentioned, contracts are a fundamental part of our daily existence and it is important to commence this piece with a brief definition of what constitutes a contract. The main part of this essay will consider the notions of offer and acceptance and how, if at all, they have evolved to accommodate the Internet. As it is certain that the international legislative bodies will have monitored the situation regarding the formation of online contracts, their input shall be given some consideration with a general overview given. By using textbooks, journals, articles and a small amount of Internet resources, this essay will attempt to ascertain at what point a contract comes into existence via the Internet and whether the principles of offer and acceptance do apply.
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