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2017-03-24 11:12

As we have previously hinted at, Sainsbury’s can be seen to be a traditional company attempting to adjust to a changing economic world. Its historical presence in the high street has assured it is well known in the market place; however this presence has also been a barrier to its inculcation into emerging technologies such as the internet. Initially, as we have discussed, its website was seen as a failure, especially when compared to its nearest rival Tesco, however through a period of re-branding it was re-launched and exists today as one of the fastest growing sectors of the core company’s business. As this report has tried to assert, this was due, in the main, to the adoption of many market driven management decisions and strategies that attempted not only to re-position its online service in the market place – bridging the gulf between Tesco and Waitrose – but also to place customer needs and satisfaction at the heart of its operations. In this way, as Zingale and Arndt (2001) state, its internet arm is being seen as inextricably linked to the rest of the business, not only relying on the existing structures of procurement and delivery but also feeding back information and data analysis to allow for continually change and transformation.
Market driven management affects all areas of an operation and we have traced this through Sainsbury’s Online, looking at processes such as CRM, strategic pricing, demand analysis and customer behaviour. It is interesting to note that Sainsbury’s internet based services not only exemplify many of the issues discussed but also that adoption of these strategies coincided with increased usage of their website and greater profits. The changes in the way Sainsbury’s viewed its online shopping operations are an interesting correlative to the way it has shaped its own market position in recent years – attempting to offer its customers value that resides more in community and family than simply price cuts.
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