
2020-01-06 08:27

血管性水肿是由于过敏或非过敏反应引起的皮肤和皮下软组织肿胀。非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)通过环氧合酶(COX-1)降低前列腺素的生成,从而使花生四烯酸的代谢变缓,引起白三烯的生成增加,并通过B2受体增加缓激肽的作用,导致血管水肿的发生。我们报告一例孤立的非外伤性阴茎血管性水肿后,过度使用布洛芬牙科疼痛。血管性水肿是由于血管渗漏引起的软组织肿胀,它是由过敏或非过敏反应引起的。过敏性血管性水肿是组胺诱导和免疫球蛋白E (IgE)介导的,而非过敏性血管性水肿是由缓激肽和/或白三烯生成的结果2,3。血管性水肿可由多种原因引起,包括食物、创伤、遗传原因和药物,如非甾体类抗炎药和抗生素的使用。非甾体类抗炎药物通过环氧合酶(COX-1)减少前列腺素的产生来发挥其作用,环氧合酶可以避开花生四烯酸途径,从而增加白三烯的产生。此外,已知非甾体抗炎药(特别是布洛芬)可通过激活B2受体增加缓激肽的作用。这些对非甾体类抗炎药的过敏反应主要表现为皮肤症状,通常局限于伴有或不伴有荨麻疹的面部(眶周)血管性水肿。过敏反应的严重程度一般从轻度到中度不等,但存在严重过敏反应的风险。
Angioedema represents swelling of cutaneous and subcutaneous soft tissues that occurs as a result of an allergic or non-allergic reaction. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exert their effect by reducing the production of prostaglandins through cyclooxygenase (COX-1) therefore shunting the arachidonic acid metabolism causing increased leukotriene production as well as increased bradykinin effect via B2 receptor, leading to the development of angioedema1. Here we report a case of isolated non-traumatic penile angioedema after an overuse of ibuprofen for dental pain.Angioedema is the swelling of soft tissues due to vascular leakage, which occurs as a result of either an allergic or non-allergic reaction. The allergic angioedema is histamine induced and immunoglobulin E (IgE)- mediated whereas non-allergic angioedema is the result of bradykinin and/or leukotrienes build up2,3. Angioedema can result from a variety of causes including food, trauma, hereditary causes and pharmaceuticals such as NSAIDs and antibiotics use. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs exert their effect by reducing the production of prostaglandins through cyclooxygenase (COX-1), which shunts the arachidonic acid pathway leading to increased production of leukotrienes1. In addition, NSAIDs (particularly Ibuprofen) are known to increase the effect of bradykinin via the activation of B2 receptors in a dose-dependent manner4. These hypersensitivity reactions to NSAIDs have shown to present with mainly cutaneous manifestations, commonly limited to facial (periorbital) angioedema with or without urticaria1. Reactions typically range in severity from mild to moderate, although there is a risk of severe anaphylaxis.