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新西兰教育学assignment代写 澳洲教育
2020-08-20 05:03

新西兰教育学assignment代写 澳洲教育
Education is increasing operating within the context of neoliberal philosophies. Since the 1970’s the ideology of neoliberalism has increasingly become embedded in the structure of most Western societies (Welch, 2013; Mudge, 2008). The press towards neoliberalism resulted from a number of key events that initially took place independently in several countries. Robertson (2007) refers to four significant ‘epicentres’ for these events. In 1979, the UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and in 1980, the US President Ronald Reagan, drawing upon the US Federal Reserve’s changed monetary policy, sought to break the power of the unions, deregulate industry and free up finance at national and global levels. In addition, China moved towards making the Chinese economy more liberal. Through these influences the emphasis was that “society should be shaped by the free market” (Curtin University, 2016). This is a key goal of neoliberalism.There is much written about neoliberalism. It is a broad term and is not an easy concept to define (Boas & Gans-Morse, 2009). Welch (2013) considers neoliberalism is a philosophy “in which social policy is dominated by market principles, privatisation, free trade and deregulation, and individualism (individual responsibility)” (p.193). Mudge (2008) describes neoliberalism as being “built on a single, fundamental principle: the superiority of individualized, market-based competition over other modes of organization” (pp.706-707). The rise of neoliberalism has resulted in changing the characteristics of Australian society with a move away from the welfare state to a competition state. Sandel (2012) and Beckert (2009) describe Western society as having transitioned “from market economies to market societies” (cited in Welch, 2013, p.196). Relationships between government, society and the private sector have also been reshaped. Market-based competition and economic rationale is now at the centre of government economic and social policies (Davies & Bansal, 2007). Education was once protected from market competition by policies driven by the welfare state. The function of education was for the ‘public good’ and to equally provide equity and access to all (Welch, 2013). Under neoliberalism, education has become part of the market. Peters (1999) considers education is now seen as “services and products like any other, to be traded in the marketplace” (cited in Davies & Bansal, 2007 p.254). Neoliberal reforms in education have produced radical restructuring resulting in, for example, the loss of specialist programs, resources and staff for specific disadvantaged groups. Many education services have become privatised (Welch, 2013). The corporate manner in which education is managed is one that values competition and economic proficiency. Education is now viewed as a business and operates within this context.
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