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新西兰代写assignment 终身学习
2020-08-11 07:31

新西兰代写assignment 终身学习
Lifelong learning can be achieved through different learning theories. Pritchard (2013) discusses that learning theories such as behaviourism, the social learning theory and social constructivism enable individuals learning. For this essay, I will only be focussing on the social learning theory as it is the most beneficial to me as a student nurse than other learning theories. Bandura (1977) developed the social learning theory and believes that individuals learned by observing the behaviour of others and imitating that behaviour, especially those of importance to individuals such as parent and teachers. The social learning theory is relevant to me as a student nurse as I will be observing my mentor in practice. By observing my mentor and of those who have importance to me for my clinical learning in practice, I will complete tasks and care to patients in a similar way to what I have observed. However, I believe there are some limitations to Bandura’s (1977) social learning theory. As Ion et al (2017) state that student nurses and midwives may encounter poor practice and care while on practice placement and, I may imitate poor practice and acquire bad habits. To overcome this, I would follow the whistle-blowing policy as governed by the NMC, NMC whistle-blowing policy (2013). Furthermore, I would seek support from my link and personal lecturers at university if I feel vulnerable during any stage in practice placement.Lifelong learning can be benefited by using different approaches to learning styles. Anderson (2016) states that there are different models of learning styles that have been developed by theorists such as Kolbs’ Learning Cycle, VARK and Felder- Silverman Learning Style model. However, for this essay, I will be focussing on the Honey and Mumford model as it has the most relevant to me as a student nurse. According to Honey and Mumford (1992), there are four learning style preferences: reflector, activist, pragmatist and theorist, Rassool & Rawaf (2008). When I completed the questionnaire and founded that my best learning style method is reflector style, this means that I learn best by observing others and take time my time to learn, Rassool & Rawaf (2008). This means as a student nurse I can prepare better and more effectively for essay writing and taking down notes from my mentor when I observe her in practice. However, this may inhibit me as a student nurse as I may need to think and act fast in particular circumstances and without being able to observe, reflect and take the time think, I may not act well in emergencies. However, I believe there are limitations to Honey and Mumford model. Astin et al (2006) state an individual can have at least two preferred learning methods.
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