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新西兰物理学作业代写 动力学变量
2020-05-10 02:27

新西兰物理学作业代写 动力学变量
Previously, researchers have observed lower extremity kinematics during drop landing, for example, degrees of flexion in the knee, hip and ankle . Investigations have also been made into kinetic variables during landing such as peak vertical ground reaction force Frobell et al stated that amount of ground reaction force creates a high risk on the lower extremity during landing from jumps. It has been suggested by multiple researchers that from a larger height there will be a higher peak in ground reaction force and flexion.Jump landings require the body to exploit several movement patterns to absorb the body’s energy when conducting a landing. There are 2 popular strategies that are normally used when landing from a jump. These are, Toe landing first and Heel landing first. Athletes will normally have their own landing techniques which are often unique to them, these techniques will normally be based on their own preference and/or activity/sporting demands. Any of these strategies will have a particular kinematic pattern which can affect the lower extremity angular kinematic intersegmental values. Different techniques can make you prone to different injuries, Butler et al. (2003) reported that knee stiffness can be closely related to landing on the toes first. Instability of the knee joints leads to restricted movement within the range of motion (ROM), which can then further result in a ongoing cycle of repeated The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of an added weight on drop jump landing, while looking at ground reaction force and kinematic differences. It is hypothesized that when weight is added there will be a significant difference in the peaks of ground reaction force, flexion and abduction.
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