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新西兰环境assignment代写 汽车工业品
2020-05-01 04:30

新西兰环境assignment代写 汽车工业品
Internal fins are used in phase change material storages (PCM). PCM are used to balance the temporary temperature alteration and to store energy in several practical fields like automobile industries. The rate of heat transfer from fluid flowing through the micro channels can be greatly enhanced by use of internal fins. T.Kanthimathi [1] focused on the study of the radial composite fins to increase the heat transfer rate in many applications. Y. Pratapa Reddy[2] made to fabricate circular pin fin made of different metals, Aluminium ,Copper, combination of Aluminium and Copper and combination of Brass and Copper as composite bars and analyzed their performance in terms of fin efficiency , heat transfer rate and temperature distribution along the fin. Jiang[3] measured the performance of conventional silica gel coated heat exchanger (SGCHE), a novel composite silica gel coated heat exchanger (CCHE) was proposed and fabricated. Wu Xuehong[4] investigated the performance of air-side heat transfer and fluid flow by numerical simulation for Reynolds number ranging from Re = 304 to 2130. The objective of the research is to study the effect of composite internal longitudinal fins in a circular tube on heat transfer characteristics in the entrance region as well as in the fully developed region.Sand casting was used in this experiment to manufacture brass pipe. Composites were made from 98% pure aluminum. In this experiment pure SiC was used in 10 % weight fraction with aluminum. Mg (1 wt %) was added to improve the wettability and incorporation fraction of ceramic particles. Micro-sized SiC particles were used as reinforcement of pure aluminum to fabricate as-cast aluminum matrix composite, and Mg (1 wt%) was added to improve the wettability and incorporation fraction of ceramic particles.
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