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新西兰护理学作业代写 日本老龄化
2020-03-04 03:04

新西兰护理学作业代写 日本老龄化
This is a mandatory payment for all citizens aged 40 or above. The long term insurance does not cover all care and Japan is still reliant on volunteers caring who widely aged 65 are or over themselves.Retirement age is 65 but the government hope to gradually increase this to 68. Pension entitlements are paid from age 65, all pensions are based on contributions that have been made throughout your working life, and the payment is graded on a sliding scale from contributions made. This generation of Japanese adults expect to live modestly in retirement with a combination of government provided pensions, personal savings and paid work.Japan is also the first country in the world to recognise a condition called ‘Retired Husband Syndrome’ it is a condition where a woman begins to show signs of physical and mental illness such as depression where there husband reaches or approaches retirement. It occurs in 60% of Japans older female population is it is also a stress related illness. The suicide rate in older women has also dramatically increased for 11.6% in women aged 40 and above and 39.3% in women aged 60 and above.The culture and traditions of older people in Japan is changing as the status of the older person who traditionally earned great respect and wielded huge authority is declining. This is mainly due to the younger generations leaving rural communities and moving to cities leading to the separation of the traditional generations.Japan also has a day every year dedicated to the older generation. Since 1963, September 15th has been celebrated as ‘Respect for the Age Day’. Also Japan has a huge number of centenarians, when a citizens reaches their 100th birthday the government awards them a silver plated sake dish and a letter of congratulations.
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