
2019-05-15 03:17

将美国综合高中描述为一种独特的美国现象,为所有人提供良好和适当的教育,包括学术和职业教育,并在美国人民珍视的民主环境中。他认为这是民主的秘诀;它给所有人平等的选择机会。加德纳对系统的效率也不那么感兴趣。然而,20世纪50年代的人力短缺和1957年俄罗斯人造卫星的发射导致了教育系统的批评,它被认为是对年轻人才的浪费,所有人的教育变成了“没有人的教育”(Passow, 1971)。重点放在了学业上有天赋的学生身上,他们的教育水平堪比国家存亡。尽管有几次呼吁废除这一制度和实行选择,但这一制度仍然存在,特别是在1960年代初,贫穷儿童的人权问题得到了加强。但是,对现有制度作了各种修改。这导致了某种形式的选择,无论是法律上的还是事实上的。支持选择性教育的保守党影子教育大臣特里萨•梅(Theresa May)强调,有必要建立一套“高标准的教育”体系,满足所有儿童的需求。她说,语法学校的支持者只关心富人的教育是一种神话。她说,选拔是基于能力,挑战所有人,并给少数人一个机会。前电工工会秘书长兼主席埃里克•哈蒙德(Eric Hammond)支持她的观点,即给予所有学员同等的价值并不一定意味着建立一所共同的学校,通过削弱实力较强的学校来强化实力较弱的学校并不会增加价值。
Described the American comprehensive high school as a peculiar American phenomenon dependable in the provision of good and suitable education, both academic and vocational, for all persons and in a democratic environment that the American people cherish. He saw it as recipe for democracy; it gave all people equal opportunity to choose. Gardner didn’t was less interested in the efficiency of the system. However manpower shortages in the 1950s and the launching of the Russian sputnik in 1957 led to criticisms in the education system, it was viewed as waste of young talent and education for all became “education for none” (Passow, 1971). Focus was on the academically gifted student-whose educational prowess was akin to national survival. Despite several calls for the abolishment of the system and introduction of selection , the system survived especially in the early 1960s which witnessed heightened human rights concern for the poor child. However various modifications were enacted on the existing system. This led to some form of selection, whether, de jure or de facto.Theresa May, shadow Conservative education secretary in support of selective education, stressed the need for a system, with “high standards in education” and which meets the needs of all children. She said it was a myth that supporters of grammar schools are only concerned about education for the rich. She said selection is based on ability, challenges all, and gives a chance to the minority. Eric Hammond, former general secretary of the electrician’s union and chairman, supported her arguing that giving equal value to all learners does not necessarily imply a common school and strengthening weak schools by weakening the strong ones doesn’t add value.