
2019-03-27 03:56

许多研究还报告了大学工资溢价多年来是如何波动的。摘要为了对高校种族内部工资溢价进行实证研究,探讨导致近年来高校工资溢价波动的原因是十分重要的。David(2014)认为,由于许多公司在运营中大量使用先进技术,大学毕业生的工资溢价近年来一直在上升。美国和日本等发达经济体在经济的大部分领域都部署了先进的机器。正因为如此,大多数雇主更愿意雇佣那些在计算机环境下工作的技术人才。一个国家的教育体系结构决定了技术人才的流动,考虑到个人受教育程度越高,技能越强,大学的工资溢价将继续上升(Krueger, 1993)。相反,Murphy & Welch(1989)认为,推动教育回归的一个因素是大学毕业生的供求关系。在这方面,如果个人观察到获得更高的教育水平会带来更大的教育回报,那么许多人就会有动力继续他们的教育。当这种情况发生时,如果大学毕业生的需求不足以超过供给,那么上学的回报就会减少。他们的研究强调,当大学毕业生的需求增长超过供给增长时,大学工资溢价将会增加。
Many studies also report on how the college wage premium has been fluctuating over the years. To empirically investigate the college wage premium within race, it is important to discuss the reasons which have accounted for the fluctuations in the college wage premium in recent times. According to David (2014), the college wage premium has been increasing over the years due to the high usage of advanced technologies in the operations of many companies. Advanced economies like the United States and Japan deploy sophisticated machines in most sectors of the economy. Because of this, most employers prefer to hire individuals who are technically savvy enough to work in computer-based environment. The structure of the educational system of a country determines the flow of skilled personnel and given that the higher the education of the individual, the greater his skills, the college wage premium will continue to rise (Krueger, 1993). On the contrary, Murphy & Welch (1989) argue that one factor which drives the return to education is the interplay of demand and supply of college graduates. In this regard, if individuals observe that attaining higher level of education induces greater returns of schooling, then many people will be motivated to further their education. When this happens, the returns to schooling will be reduced if the demand of college graduates is not strong to outweigh the supply. Their study highlights that the college wage premium will increase when the growth in the demand for college graduates exceeds the growth in the supply.