
2019-01-27 23:40

卢梭在《爱弥儿》第五章中概述了他的女性理想教育理论。他认为妇女的选择完全局限于妻子和母亲的角色。当自然已经从生理学上决定了她的命运时,有什么必要让她自己去决定呢?卢梭要求在妇女教育方面回归原始主义,提供最低限度的职业培训,同时坚持她不能推理,她不如男人。“女性的教育必须与男性相结合”。他将永远臣服于一个男人,而她将永远不能把自己的意见凌驾于他之上。”(卢梭p: 176)。他强调爱弥尔的行动自由和体力活动自由,声称虚弱的身体包含着虚弱的思想。与此同时,他不鼓励索菲进行过多的体育活动,并利用她的弱点作为另一个证据,她的自卑。这种培养的对象是不同的。一方面是肉体力量的发展;(卢梭:322页)在鲁索的政治学说中,女人拥有的权力取决于自然赋予她们的权力。这种力量可以归结为一个简单的自然法则。因为大自然赋予女人一种激发男人激情的力量,这种力量远远超过了男人满足这些激情的力量,因此,大自然使男人依赖于她的善意,迫使他反过来努力取悦她,使她心甘情愿,这是一种优越的力量。屈服于武力的是软弱,还是自愿的自我投降?这种不确定构成了男人胜利的主要魅力,而女人通常足够狡猾,让他产生怀疑。
Rousseau outlines his theories for the ideal education for the women in chapter V of Emile. He viewed women’s options as entirely limited to the roles of wife and mother. What need would there be to allow her to determine for herself when nature had already physiologically dictated her destiny Rousseau demanded a reversion to primitivism in the education of women, offering minimal vocational training while insisting on her inability to reason and her inferiority to man. “A woman’s education must be planned in relation to man”.[S]he will always be in subjection to a man, and she will never be free to set her own opinion above his.”(Rousseau p:176). He stresses freedom of movement and physical exertion for Emile, asserting that weak bodies contain weak minds. At the same time he discourages Sophie from too much physical activity and uses her weakness as another proof of her inferiority. “The object of that cultivation is different. In the one sex it is the development of corporeal powers; in the other, that of personal charms,” (Rousseau:pp.322) The power a woman have in Roussseau’s poltical doctrine is dependent on the power allotted them by nature. And that power can be reduced to a simple law of nature.For nature has endowed woman with a power of stimulating man’s passions in excess for man’s power of satisfying those passions, and has thus made him dependent on her goodwill, and compelled him in his turn to endeavor to please her, so that she may be willing is superior strength. Is it weakness which yields to force, or is it voluntary self-surrender? This uncertainty constitutes the chief charm of the man’s victory, and the woman is usually cunning enough to leave him in doubt.