
2018-08-14 19:19

1978年,宫廷政变废除了君主立宪制,宣布前总理穆罕默德·达乌德为第一个共和政府的总统。苏联立即承认了新政府。政府的新宪法不仅是继苏联之后的新宪法,而且学术界的变革也开始类似于苏联的教育方式,包括引入男女合校教育,尤其是在大学阶段,也包括在较低的学校。然而,在1978年4月,穆罕默德·达乌德(Muhammad Daoud)在所谓的萨尔革命(Saur Revolution)中被推翻。阿富汗人民民主党领袖努尔·穆罕默德·塔拉基接替达乌德出任总统。塔拉基推行了更广泛的马克思主义风格改革,包括农村扫盲运动,向广大未受教育的农民和妇女提供教育机会。支持传统制度反对现代化运动的团体之间的内部冲突并没有吓倒他。Taraki继续冒犯那些决心保持传统习俗的人。他推行了激烈的社会和经济措施,包括土地改革、妇女权利和现代教育。这些意识形态上的冲突导致他在1979年失去了权力。
In 1978, the constitutional monarchy was abolished by a palace coup d'état declaring former Prime Minister Mohammed Daoud as the country's President of the first republican government. The Soviets immediately recognized the new government. Not only was the new constitution of the government styled after that of the Soviet Union but also changes in academia began to resemble the Soviet approach to education including introducing co-education, especially at the university level, but also in the lower schools.However, in April 1978, President Muhammad Daoud was overthrown in what is referred to as the Saur Revolution. Nur Muhammad Taraki, head of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) replaced Daoud as President. Taraki instituted even broader Marxist style reforms including a rural literacy campaign expanding educational opportunity to masses of uneducated farmers and women. He was not intimidated by the internal conflict between groups supporting traditional systems against the modernization movement. Taraki continued to offend those determined to maintain traditional customs. He pushed forward drastic social and economic measures, including land reform, women's rights and modern education. These ideological conflicts led within the year (in 1979) to his loss of power.