
2018-03-18 19:35

进一步认为,学前儿童和学龄儿童的学习方式存在差异。孩子们天生好奇,充满活力,充满激情,敢于冒险,思考,做不可能的事,有创造力,能看到最终产品,反复尝试,并能从错误中学习。Conezio & French(2002)指出,许多早期的儿童教师对在课堂上引入科学感到犹豫不决,往往是因为他们自己不愉快的科学教育经历。通过改善他们所受支持的环境,以及他们在童年早期学习的环境,潜在的提高儿童结果的潜力,在关键的发现中暗示,学校类型之间的差异比社会地位群体之间的差异更明显。这不仅推动了对儿童结果差异的理解,而且也促进了基于这种理解所需要的行动——即,如果我们构建儿童需要的学习环境,我们就能做出改变。profiles研究的后续工作演示了如果这些更改没有发生会发生什么。百分之六十九的样本在2003年被跟踪和评估。孩子们需要知道他们的期望是什么。老师应该确保每个人都知道该做什么,该怎么做,以及什么时候应该设定明确的期望。Vacca和Bagdi(2005)说,“知道该做什么,什么时候做,可以帮助所有参与者感到安全、舒适和自信”。
 further argues that there is a difference in the way preschool and school children learn. Children are born as being inquisitive, energetic, passionate motivated, risk taking, thinking and do the impossible, creative, can see the end product, try over and over again and can learn through mistakes. Conezio & French (2002) states that many early childhood teachers are hesitant about introducing science in their classrooms, often because of their own unpleasant science education experiences.The potential for enhancing child outcomes by improving the environments in which they are supported and in which they learn in early childhood is implied in the key finding that the differences between school types were more noticeable than between social status groups. This gives impetus not only to the understanding about what makes the difference to children's outcomes but also to the action that is required based on that understanding - namely, that we can make a difference if we construct the learning environments children need. The follow-up to the profiles study demonstrated what happens if these changes are not made. Sixty-nine per cent of the sample was followed up and assessed in 2003 .Children need to know what is expected of them. Teachers should make sure that everyone knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it by setting clear expectations. Vacca and Bagdi (2005) state, "Knowing what to do and when to do it helps all participants feel secure, comfortable, and confident".